ResponsibilityGet EPR ready with Wastepack -
find out how we can support
you today!MORE ON EPR
TAXAny business that manufactures or
imports plastic packaging in the
UK could be affected by the tax.
DATA SERVICEA complete data package
that saves you time and
provides accurate data
for your returnLEARN MORE
Packaging Regulations
Find out if your business is obligated under the Packaging Waste Regulations and required to register.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
A new EPR system will replace the current Packaging Waste Regulations in a phased implementation from 2023/4.
Plastic Packaging Tax
If you manufacture plastic packaging in the UK or import plastic packaging into the UK you could be affected by the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT).
Industry News
See the latest news and insights in the Waste Packaging, and wider environmental compliance industry here.
Join us
We’ve been making compliance easier for our members for over two decades. How can we help you?